We need to linger places a little longer over breakfast! I feel like there's a lot more gossip that I'm missing out on because we rush through bacon and eggs to get an early start. Coffee is meant to be sipped, tea savored, friends elaborating more on "hey, I used to be a Harper and am secretly one of the Vistani, and we ought to go visit the camp outside of Vallaki to see if they know more about my missing father".
More time talking over coffee!
Most of the day passed in travel until we came to a river crossing. It was a bit of a challenge to get up to the bank from our path, but fortunately, the Vistani had pointed out a safe path along the river bank, then under and around the bridge to get up what could have been unpassable terrain. The stone bridge the Ivlis River. There was a beautiful waterfall in the distance, and I can see why people have nice things to say about the valley. It's truly an amazing place to behold. Right up until the headless specter on a horse got shitty with us about stealing his head. Attempts to de-escalate his mounting (hehe) agitation with us failed. He tried very hard to kill Moss and Allynia, but DAMN, they were on point. After we managed to dispatch the thing, Cassandra picked up some sort of knightly emblem it left behind, but none of us recognized it. Unfortunately, being some kind of ghostly...thing... without being put to proper rest, it will likely be back to haunt the bridge again. Poor soul.
We chatted a little bit while travelling before setting up camp. There was some interesting conversation on what people think about Lord von Zarovich. It was agreed by all that his power is significant and impressive. Ideas were tossed about as to whether he needed to be destroyed or imprisoned or cajoled into changing things to make life better for the people of Barovia. Really, I think he's fairly low-hanging fruit. It's easy to point a finger at the undead lord, but having a pulse by no means guarantees that you have kindness in your heart or the best interests of others in mind. Humanity commits plenty of evil acts against itself all on its own, just fine.
Is Lord von Zarovich a morally good person? Probably not. Is he a good ruler? That is yet to be decided. He's managed to hold his kingdom for hundreds of years without significant change, not a feat many can claim, so he's at least a very effective ruler. So then the question becomes, to be considered a "good ruler", would one's country need to thrive or would the populace need to prosper? Curious question again, as one then fine-tunes the question further to ask which portions of the populace actually count? If the aristocracy is doing well but not slaves, is that good enough, or do all men count equally, or do we include the women in there too?
But is Barovia thriving? Even from the perspective of an undead lord, is a decimated village and shit infrastructure really the best you've got? We'll see what Vallaki is like, I suppose. A town that hasn't been under attack for the last two years. Maybe we just haven't seen this place at its best.